Select by location


<put algortithm description here>


Layer to select from [vector: any]
<put parameter description here>
Additional layer (intersection layer) [vector: any]
<put parameter description here>
Include input features that touch the selection features [boolean]

<put parameter description here>

Default: False

Include input features that overlap/cross the selection features [boolean]

<put parameter description here>

Default: False

Include input features completely within the selection features [boolean]

<put parameter description here>

Default: False

Modify current selection by [selection]

<put parameter description here>


  • 0 — creating new selection
  • 1 — adding to current selection
  • 2 — removing from current selection

Default: 0


Selection [vector]
<put output description here>

Console usage

processing.runalg('qgis:selectbylocation', input, intersect, touches, overlaps, within, method)

See also